Aakhir, AAP ho Kaun ???
Category : Indian Politics, Politics, Uncategorized
A story learnt in school, when 4 blind people were asked to define elephant, everyone had their own version, based on their limited exposure either to only trunk, tail, legs or tummy; but none knew what was the reality; a corollary drawn, 5th April’ 2011, came the India against Corruption (Now partly Aam Aadmi Party), where, none knew the real thingie, many got clinged to this creature, with their own assumption, expectations and definition. Some felt it was alternate solution, few others felt, now ALL politicians will work, yet another thought this move is against corrupt congress, and so on so forth. Everyone had their own specific and at times mutually exclusive reasons to join a common
movement. As the elephant, started walking in, slowly the robe under which it was hidden, started peeling off, which rose few questions (legitimate), but with the reply, nakedness started becoming more and more explicit, be it on terms of even corruption, or other issues related to Indian woes. Many started to dissociate from Aam Aadmi Party erstwhile ‘Indian Against Corruption’, due to lack of clarity or hyper arrogance, dipped in “holier than thou” attitude. Finally, the organizers attempted to create a referendum, where anyone even doubting IAC or its core team, were pro-corruption, such was the heightened cynicism created, which succeeded in blinding many promising youth with such bizarre nautanki of the decade. I shall not dwell much on the other issues which I have already raised time and again through twitter or blogging.
Today Aam Aadmi party is anything but to stand against corruption, and one such issue is raised, that is – communal politics played by the party, commonly known as AAP. Although the roots were long sowed in even before the creation of party, removal of Bharat MATA picture from their agitation 1st nail in coffin. then stated series of communal and anti India agenda, where Prashant Bhushan talked in lines of Kashmir separatists; which subsequently Anna Hazare head of the then IAC had to dissociate with, Kejriwal publicly insulting the service of RSS, based on his prejudice and perception, without iota of proof, or even clarification. Prashant Bhushan goes to extent of defending Banned terrorist organization SIMI, see here
Most recently, Kejriwal wrote a separate letter wooing to Indian Muslims for upcoming Delhi election, while addressing specific community is not legally wrong, however few points raised and hoax promises made, does raises the eyebrow, as although party claiming to be of common Indians, who are focused on issues of corruption and governance; and not interested in playing religious chord, as AAP claims.
This is even Kumar Vishwas, sung the glory of martyrdom of sh. M C Sharma, in numerous of his events, and got rousing appreciation, but just for votes, to be taken from muslim community, the death of police officer is mocked; how petty can AAP gets, they make even Digvijay Singh look better.
Apart from routine rhetoric rant akin to narrow communal political party like MIM or CONGRESS, who considers Indian Muslim to be deft of any logical rationale, AAP exceeds the mandate of communal politics and raises the issue of Batla House Encounter and claimed it to be fake encounter. When the alert social media users, questioned the premise and also demanded reasoning for such a statement, at the time when even highest judiciary claimed the encounter to be genuine. After receiving flak from social media and others at large over such statements, that insulted martyrdom of MC Sharma, who lost his life during the encounter. AAP came out with clarification, which was as stupid, that if such clarification is base of logic, even Rahul Gandhi is eligible for IQ if 258+
AAP clarification, mentions – while encounter saw death of two youth and also inspector shri Mohan Sharma, many have doubts over whether encounter was fake or not, thus we raise this topic to have detailed investigation to see whether the youth were innocent or not, and if they were indeed terrorist, why were the not caught alive, to get information about their handlers. (Translation is done by me from the letter of AAP, if any discrepancy found, kindly inform me, to get corrected). Now, clarification makes it clearer, that AAP is actually trying to have contempt of court by terming Batla House encounter as fake, which Supreme Court says is genuine.
Clarification over Batla House comment fiasco, by AAP
The matter was taken off the twitter in personal chat over SMS to senior functionary of AAP, and asked over the Batla House issue raise by its party and his personal stand on the same. While he stands committed to say, he believed encounter to be genuine, and much is read from the issue. This brings me to few specific questions to AAP
- While raising the issue of terrorist, why was religious angle used in the letter written to specific community? If the intent was honest, to
find about the death, using the religion of terrorist, for that matter, even of alleged terrorist vitiates the matter.
- Does AAP believes, the encounter was fake, and thus martyrdom of Brave office M C Sharma is hoax? If they believe, they should say it.
- If as that senior functionary, AAP believes, encounter was genuine, which means M C Sharma was been shot by those youth in the encounter; so how does the killer of police officer through guns (which obviously were not legally sourced), can be innocent?
When this questions were raised, the concerned AAP fellow, used not so parliamentary language, and suggested, CONG- BJP barks on such old ***** issues, but people are more interested in the corruption / price rise and governance issue. Which leaves me with the question, amma yaar, toh re-initiated this communal topic? It was AAP in attempt to woo Indian muslims, most important to note they denigrated the community, by thinking Indian muslims will fall for them if they appease by sucking up to terrorist. Also, if AAP wants to rise above communal politics and fight on corruption and governance, where does insulting of martyr fit in their definition, Hope to get reply.
c’mon! ask any of your neutral friend whether I tried to answer all your points or not! You need serious feedback on blogging …. Faheem Khan rightly pointed out flaws in your writing and kind of logic that you gave. to any neutral observer … that might be considered an answer … of course in a different way! extrapolating any topic / issue to any length … is not good writing….. just look at your hypocrisy! One statement is enough to prove … supporter of terrorists … communal party …. blah blah. But you will not find anything wrong in politics of hatred played by BJP for 20+ years (congress as well) … safed dadhi, kali dadhi, togadiyas are greatest saints walked on earth!!! … you guys are playing games what Congress wants to play … Congress is master of all dirty politics … unfortunately, BJP agreed to play those games … BJP has nothing new to offer .. same stale and flop issues Hindutva, Hindu, Hindi, Mandir, Kashmir …. it seems even they do not have faith in Modi’s development model.
(delete my previous duplicate posts … thread became too narrow … so posting separately)
But you have nothing to talk about AAP insulting martyrs, changing goalpost to BJP and else where; you should have separate blog for your problems, which will be replied on topic; as you still dont get, stick to issues discussed in blog. 2nd Batla house encounter issue was raised with communal angle by AAP party and not BJP, so remove your jaundiced spectacles. Try to reply that, else no compulsion to be reply, better have separate blog for writing your problems which you have, but dont spam others work. last polite request
Reply to my comment first! 🙂 Thank You!
The comment is qualified to the a particular topic and hence I request you to address only that particular topic. We of course may discuss the AAP or any other political outfit for that matter at length! I invite you for a serious debate. However I’d appreciate if you reply to my comment first.
Wonderful article. Since the beginning what alarmed me was the responses of AK-bigots. Their attack was always centered on persons not belonging to Congress . And the “solution” offered was distinctive “Congress ” , namely rule by handpicked , foreign-approved , foreign-awarded persons with rules/provisions resemblibg anti-democratic “Emergency Era ” of Congress. The people who are championing “AK” here in my locality are “Congressis ” in near past. In fact, 90% of organisers of both Congress and AAP programs are same.
AAP is just a “smoke screen ” to allow EVM tampering during election. I am aware of them . Glad to konw that I am not alone in knowing the truth about them.
You have said it so correctly. Congress helped by so-called predictions of Yogendra Yadav does EVM tampering so efficiently nowadays.
The modus operandi is like this. TV Channels spread propaganda from one year before elections that Congress is gaining & BJP is waning on popularity. Then comes the so-called pre-poll surveys 3 months before elections that would say BJP is far behind Congress. In all such propaganda, they use the Vote-Splitting phenomena. In Maharashtra, they will say Raj Thakeray is spllitting votes, CHiranjeevi in Andhra, Vijayakanth in Tamilnadu, BSY in Karnataka, AAP in Delhi & elsewhere. Always the propaganda would say that votes of BJP only will be split by the 3rd party & Congress votes will remain in-tact always.
EVM manipulation has been done significantly in Maharashtra state assembly, 2009 Lok Sabha, Kerala state, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh & even Gujarat. For Gujarat, P Chidambaram set a target number of 116 seats, just one less of 2007 tally of Narendra Modi.
In UP, EVMs were heavily manipulated by Congress in favour of Mulayam Singh Yadav & he would be a life-long slave to the dynasty in gratitude.
AAP is created to propagate that it will split BJP votes (of course – Congress will remain in-tact untouched).
Those who don’t believe me are so naive. We need to get reminded that we are being ruled by no less than a Mafia & there is no moral fight with them. Any method, any way to defeat them is acceptable to save the country.
haha … which country you live in? Is Santosh Koli a Cong. agent? Then which party attacked her? Many (including me) where BJP supporter in past. I have witnessed what BJP did to Jharkhand. Why not BJP defeated Cong. in last 2 elections when AAP did not exist? Why Cong. is in Delhi for last 15 years? BJP is biggest disappointment of independent India. We want new and clean alternative.
Stick to the topic on AAP supporting terrorist and insulting martyrdom. for trolling, u can have ur own blog or do it on twitter.
Which country are you living in? Wanna troll, try me! Come on!! Have guts? Answer to the specific points I have raised in my comment! I am not afraid of any debate. Let’s have it… Let’s discuss every topic, one by one! Don’t shift the goalposts though! Address this particular topic, and then we’ll move to the next one! Thanks!
• Many started to dissociate from Aam Aadmi Party erstwhile ‘Indian Against Corruption’ – Those were BJP (Modi) supporters who wanted to hijack anti-corruption movement into anti-congress, while the fact is BJP is equally corrupt.
• Lack of clarity or hyper arrogance, dipped in “holier than thou” attitude – Negative and inaccurate interpretation of Kejriwal’s stand against corruption, corrupt parties and corrupt system. He is what he is because he always maintained idealist approach. Look at BJP … fixed match against Janlokpal and now on bed with Cong. to bring ordinance against CIC ruling that political parties must come under RTI.
• Anyone even doubting IAC or its core team, were pro-corruption, such was the heightened cynicism created – dude, what you are smoking! Arvind Kejriwal never said a word against Anna or others who chose to remain apolitical. He never spoke against even BRD, Kiran Bedi etc. who wanted to take the movement in wrong direction …. anti-congress only. Do you have any proof to substantiate this claim?
• Today Bhartiya Janata Purti (not Aam Aadmi party) is anything but to stand against corruption, and one such issue is raised, that is – communal politics played by the party, commonly known as BJP (not AAP).
• Reality of BJP and RSS workers across the country, Gadkari is RSS face – http://ibnlive.in.com/news/mp-prime-land-allotted-to-others-registered-in-cms-relatives-names/391658-37-64.html
• Reply of your selective interpretation of intellectually challenged findings — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kf-pQyAAYc .. what else you want? …. Let us talk if you want to discuss this in detail. I do not want to waste too much time as I did in your earlier blog. You are so much preoccupied !!!!
You can send your contact no. to my junk email-id vegpatties@gmail.com. I will check for your response. Or, send me your email-id so that I can send my contact no.
BTW … what you guys are up to today? abusing Amartya Sen? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKm0v454Vm4&feature=share … do read comments of your brothers too!
Dear Amit,
Thanks for diverting from actual topic of AAP supporting terrorists for Muslim votes. It fools nobody!
What? Name few terrorists AAP is supporting! Amazing! You guys can go to any extent in mudslinging.
Binayak Sen who is convicted currently on bail, is functionary of AAP
Binayak Sen is the most vivid example of the marxist connection of AAP! At the same time we shouldn’t forget Prashant Bhushan who actually speaks the language of Kashmiri secessionists! We have Mr Kejriwal who challenges encounters of terrorists. What about them?
AAP is a conglomerate of individuals of various hues and colours and encouraged by the wily congress to split the votes of BJP in a way they did it in Maha. How long can Cong and such AAPs fool the nation? They fool some people all the time and all the people sometime. But can’t fool all the people all the time.
Dear Blogger,
I have been an ardent critic of the erstwhile IAC and now AAP! I don’t believe in their fairytales and daydreaming that the LOKPAL will solve all the problems! To me corruption is NOT bigger an issue than policy paralysis! Anyway we’ll discuss this some other time.
As far as this particular issue is concerned I want to raise a few questions which I think you’ve missed in your article.
1) Why did they choose a specific encounter instead of demanding a probe against ALL alleged fake encounters that took place in Delhi in the time-span say last 5 years? Data are available on the internet and many tweeples/Tv commentators have stated them time and again to argue the Ishrat Jahan (alleged) fake encounter case, hence I exempt myself from that job.
2) Why do they believe that only a particular community is interested in justice and the rest are happy with injustice? If they believe that the Supreme Court judgement was a rare example of what we call “miscarriage of justice” why didn’t they choose to file a review petition through PIL? (I’m assuming that the review petition has never been filed. If please discount this point.)
3) What was the need to address that particular community? If indeed they believe that the encounter was fake, they would have simply addressed that letter to ALL citizens of Delhi. However they chose not to do so!
4) As has been said in the article, the “holier than thou” approach is clearly visible here. If they disbelieve every damn institution, including the judiciary, of the country why should we believe them? After all who the hell are they? Reincarnation of some prophet? Who will vouch for their credibility?
5) The most important point is: Does AAP have any investigation wing that itself has done the preliminary investigation? If that is so, and the investigation report satisfy the functionaries of AAP, shouldn’t they make that report public? If they have no such investigation wing, why on the earth are they throwing insinuations on issues important from the point of view of the national security? Shouldn’t they be jailed and tried under sedition?
I request the blogger to rewrite his article exploring the points I’ve risen. Kindly reply to me! A mail would be the most preferable option! Thank You!
I used to have highest regard for Arvind Kejriwal. However I have fought hard to myself, what’s there is left…which can still make me consider AAP as a string political alternate of Congress and all pseudo secular morons!! What AK and Prashant Bhushan has recently done on matters such as Kashmir, Ishrat, Batla, Sanjeev Bhatt etc… is bringing their own end quite near! They should have kept fighting against corruption, but the way they have gone down to appease a particular community by justifying terrorism; they are prevailing the idea that they are nothing but so called human rights morons who give leverage to terrorist, doesn’t think about keeping India united and it seems their sole motive is to influence people in a way so that they can call every other opponent corrupt and liar without any solid base or proof. Thus they are just another Congress in making who will go every possible extreme low, just to come in power.
The only purpose of Aam admi party is to steal the bjp votes. I think its a different way adopted by the congress to take on BJP. Congress has so much money that it can buy the morally bankrupt leaders of this country. A very good example would be that of Nitish Kumar. He too was busy doing politics over Modi while children were dying due to government complacency. If he had any shame he would have resigned but apart from the Kursi nothing is paramount for them. so Kejri babu has also been bought out by the Congress. In my eyes he is nothing more than a Bhaadey Ka tattu!!
Agreed. Waise, personally have less of issue if AAP snatches vote, cuz in politics its their right, and BJP has to win its votes. My problem is cynicism and bankruptcy of thoughts that is been spread by AAP
This is not the first time AAP supporters have used abusive filthy lang. I have faced it myself on facebook. AAP Cartoonist Amit Anand used 3rd grade sadak chhap mawali type lang against me when i questioned on this issue and why they removed Bharat Mata Chhabi 4m IAC stage. his vile comments on females of my family and hate proves #AAP is a Cult
true that, its really sad
I realized you deleted my post about abuses from @medicrooks? Why? Are you saying Modi bhakts do not abuse? They even abused their fathers (Advani and Govindacharya) … they are using social media as public toilet … I can send you 1000 links …. preach them first!
Even in past u have trolled the discussion and hijacked from the main topic. Discussion was on AAP support to terrorist and insulting martyrdom; the topic is not on abuses, esp when the concerned person (mediacrooks) is not here to defend self. All ur comments even in earlier blog were published , as also here, just trolling not alowed here
Dude! first comment from Vivek was off-topic, why not warned him as well. Who initiated discussion about AAP supporters abusing? Why not deleted all abusive post? because, you wanted to prove a point …. that AAP supporters are abusive. I never trolled …. I answered all your points in last post … but you are so much preoccupied !!! It will be waste … but, as I said can talk.
U were not castigated as abuser. check previous blog of mine, which is trolled by you, without specific replying, same tactic applied here. Any further comment of your in this post doesnt confrom to the post here, shall be not taken into cognizance, spammers are not allowed here. U r free to use other medium for your trolling / spamming. Thanks
If you are Jemin P and write anonymously as Rising Gladiator, then you are a spineless spammer. By the way are you handicapped Jemin P? Then you are a NaMo’s blind follower. You are Subbu Swamy’s blind follower. Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal, Santosh Hegde, Kiran Bedi, Baba Ramdev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are all BJP followers. You are using nice decoy to mislead the people. You have been exposed. Take it in writing on Gandhi Jayanti day that MK Gandhi does not support Narendra Modi as the next Prime Minister.
Ur personal jibes, without substantiation deserves much disdain and contempt, yet it is held. One, almost all visitor on the website and also on twitter knows, who owns this site and its content two, having pseudo named website, aint cowardice; dont reinvent definition to suit ur premise, Kindly go through About Us page, where is clearly mentions my name, so ur stupid allegation “hiding under pseudo name” doesnt stand, go and make effort to research before abusing and alleging.
And thus rest of your nonsense doesnt deserve a reply. Get a life; and produce facts to counter, else shut up
I guess this blog author is a big big idiot or I think he has nothing to do in this world !!!!
Please go away and if you have time to write such kind of stupid stuff then instead of writing such stupid things please a street beggar is good than you…
If you have something in your heart come in front of us, lead us and show us you can make a big change in this country….Otherwise take a break Cock sucking blogger
Pathetic is ur language, so is your thought. answer question raised in here, instead of whining. As for what i am or what i do, is immaterial here. AAp is playing communal politics, which is shown n proved out here.
@ Rising Gladiator. Ignore this Dirty Gene. Blame it on his defective DNA.
Where do these #AaPChutiaHain come from ? Seriously if you cant handle hard truths buddy perhaps you are the one who needs a reality check.
One thing is for sure #AAP muppets are only capable of cheap street tamasha,anything constructive is beyond their scope and IQ.
So do India a favour and PUK OFF.
Congress, AAP, SP, BSP, Commies, TMC, BJD et al are all in it together to Break Bharat. These are the real Communal Parties out to destroy our Country in collaboration with Jihadis & Evangelists. They survive on Hate-Hindu rhetoric. Defeat these obnoxious Extremists. Thanks for this timely expose of the parlous Fifth Column.
In fact Team Kejriwal promotes Khangress brand Sickularism more than Congress itself.
In all my tweets, I have been exposing the Congressi nature from the start of Anna Hazares fasting Dramas, Lokpal agitations, Gandhi Topi campaigns.
Please read my tweets @aravozhukkam
I am more proud to be anti IAC, anti NAC, anti Congress than saying I am pro Na Mo, pro-BJP, Pro-Bharat Mata, Pro Dr.Swamy.
I think, I may be the first & only person had the conviction from Day 1 that Anna Hazare, India against corruption, Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi, Ford Foundation, Anjali Dam-of-lies, Prashant Bhushan, Shanthi Bhushan, Mayank Gandhi, Santhosh Hegde et all are Congress agents & NAC Chairwoman’s team members. It was peak time when Dr.Swamy was moving courts one by one on the 2G scam & the mood against corruption in the country was so widespread, Sonia wanted to channelise the mood towards an entity of her own mainly to prevent BJP from gaining in the mood of anti-corruption.