Hoity-Toity Journalist posing to be Holier than Thou

Today, the shortest way to claim the fame (though highly undeserved) in the current Indian scenario is to blame and abuse BJP state government of Gujarat by raising issue of 2002 riots and ignoring world class development there. None of the leftist follower or Media journalists, and not even few self claimed liberals have been left untouched from this self destructive addiction. The nearest analogy, which can relate to this urge for fame (also known as ASS – Attention Seeking Syndrome) is that of few wannabe Hindi Cinema actress and female models, who would announce their act of stripping at “speed of drop of Hat” for even most inconsequential events, just to claim attention and publicity. Similarly these leftist and few self claimed liberals are ever so desperate to garner cheap publicity by act of stripping naked to self and expose their filthy mindset under garb of pretentious secular / liberal image, ONLY to abuse and malign Mr. Narendra Modi (A chief minister of Gujarat State in India), who has attracted laurels for his governments work and achievements, not only in domestic circle among voters but even at international arena.

 Until 5th July’ 2012, any remote interjection by right wing sympathizer to compare 2002 riots to ghastly state sponsored pogrom of 1984, was considered distasteful and taboo, to such an extent that a journalist or anchor would squirt and scream on the speaker (Complete agreement, that no two riots can be / should be compared).

However, post 6th July, the news started floating about the ghastly violence in state of Asom, where the clash is between illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and local inhabitant Indian Assamese. The Main Stream Media first tried to block the news, but upon meeting the failure due to timely expose by Alternate media, the section of media and few journalist started assisting Asom State government and Central government (both CONGRESS), to downplay the incident as routine minor clash, then named it as communal clash, safely evading the acknowledgement of clash between Indians and foreigners on Indian land.

The media which is fourth pillar of democracy, has a very important role in current stage to assist Indian society which is trying hard to come out of the deep mess where India finds itself into, courtesy central government of last 8 years. But it is deeply disturbing to see the few journalists, who claims and also poses to be liberal, gets into these cheap activities of giving callous remark and then publicly defending it, merely for their personal vendetta or ideological compulsion and which are devoid of any truth or not even remotely close to facts. These pathetic breed doesn’t even take a nano second to change the stand or belief, when it is convenient for them to attack someone whom they dislike. The media which has to act on foresight and also on experience, to provide corrects news and information to the society, has often given priority to personal bias which takes over the professional ethics of this sect of self-claimed liberal journalists.

The same breed of journalist and political analyst along with self claimed experts, who considered it is unfortunate to compare the two riots (2002 Gujarat riots v/s 1984 state sponsored pogrom), are ever so eager to compare Asom violence with Gujarat riots. While the facade of not equating two riots earlier and now the eagerness to compare the riots by leftist and section of media, has common agenda which is to save CONGRESS from getting exposed for its role in riots.

After few acclaimed journalist who are pretty well known for their biased stance which can be generally categorized as anti-Indian, there is entry of hoity-toity Madhu Trehan, a self-claimed liberal (with questionable authenticity of claim) in the frame. The organization of Ms. Trehan, News Laundry, which claims sabki dhulai, and also to be unbiased to all, makes a very callous comment on Social-Media platform “Twitter” of comparing two riots – Asom and Gujarat. Not surprisingly, when active twitteraties raised the objection, Ms. Trehan scuttled the issue by claiming of airing her views on 1984, confused on no-relation? Don’t be, a normal technique applied by self claimed liberals to run away from the logical debates and to avoid acknowledgement of goof up.

The writer also raised few questions, like

  1. If comparing 2002 riots with 1984 is distasteful (agreed) then how come comparison between Assam violence and Gujarat riots is not allowed by you under your organization’s handle but also defended by you in your personal capacity?
  2. Do you or your organization have any proof to back up the underline comments that victims of riots in Gujarat were left helpless to suffer by then state government? || kindly provide proof and not concocted statement from the cottage industry that has vested interest to malign Narendra Modi.
  3. Does the riot in Gujarat takes away right from BJP to raise issue of Asom victims? In that case, do you profess, that you believe a alleged person or organization can’t raise up issue of national importance, which falls in line of similar allegation?
    1. Do you hold this same belief even for your professional fraternity?

    Initially, I was told to wait, as pompous madam is busy is some meeting, after which she will answer, as said by her in her previous tweet, which is been uploaded below.

However, later on What I received was insinuation and as expected Ms. Trehan felt it is below her hollow status to reply with underlying attempt to label me as a troller (offensive word) under garb of suggesting #BashMadhuSlugFest

when the issue was pursued she again tried to dodge the question by non related answers and narrating some shloka from Upanishada, not leaving the opportunity to expose her pompous and arrogant behavior in the reply.

However, not to be left out or demoralized by hoity-toity act of Ms. Trehan, I went on to do my own research, to find if there is some underlying truth in the pathetically ridiculous comment supported by Ms. Trehan. What I found was astonishing, the state government of Gujarat under leadership of newly elected Chief minister at that time provided all the possible and necessary help to the victims, which were also acknowledged by current Central government, Congress, which considers Modi to be their biggest rival and leaves no opportunity to malign Modi, at times even by using lies and false propaganda.

Minister of State – Home Affairs, Sriprakash Jaiswal in 2005 on the floor of parliament while responding in relation to role of state government of Gujarat in relief management of victims of 2002 riots, said relief was also extended by the state government to the victims of the riots under the heads of cash doles and assistance for household kits, foodgrains to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families in affected areas, housing assistance, rebuilding earning assets, rehabilitation of small business, assistance to indusries/shop and hotel and so on. The state government, he said has informed that a total of Rs 204.62 crore has been incurred by it towards relief and rehabilitation measures


The then President of India Dr. APJ Kalam, also praised the work done at relief camp under leadership of Mr. Modi. There were “complimentary observations” made by the then President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, on the Modi government’s “enthusiastic” cooperation to him when he travelled to Gujarat for a firsthand assessment of the post-riot situation in 2002, which were ignored by media. As quoted Dr. Kalam in his books – “Turning Points”. he said, ““Many apprehensions were expressed, among them that my visit might be boycotted by the Chief Minister, that I would receive a cold reception and that there would be agitations from many sides. But, to my great surprise when I landed at Gandhinagar, not only the Chief Minister, but his whole Cabinet colleagues and a large number of legislative members and administrators including the public were present at the airport. I visited twelve areas — three relief camps and nine riot-hit locations where losses were high. Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister, was with me throughout the visit. In one way, this helped me, wherever I went, the type of petitions and complaints and as he was with me I was able to suggest to him that actions be taken as quickly as possible.”


The then state government of Gujarat under leadership of Mr. Modi, not only did the exemplary work in relief management, but was also active and proactive in curbing the riots. Not only did the Gujarat Government do all this, the police also arrested 35,552 people as of 28 April 2002, out of which 27,901 were Hindus. Around 20,000 people were arrested as a preventive measure. No Islamic country (or our own country in Kashmir in 1990) or other mass murderers like Saddam Hussain, Hitler ever carried out preventive arrests to save the victims. And already nearly 200 people have been convicted for rioting- the highest ever in Gujarat.


While, I am pretty confident that neither Ms. Trehan nor News Laundry had any proof except their delusion and presumption against BJP or Narendra Modi while writing and defending that obnoxious comment, after this write up, they might well burn midnight oil to dig out some concocted statements mentioned here and there as statements of victims to prove their point is right, that is if they chose to reply, by not acting in the natural way of being supercilious. But let me most humbly submit, that no one is claiming that all the victims would have been satisfied, there may be few genuine aberrations, or possibility of puppet created by cottage industry just like of prime witness in best Bakery case was created by Teesta Setalwad, (Chairman of Cottage Industry).

In all,  the fact remains the same, that no two riots can ever be compared, what can be compared among riot is – A.) The relief management between two riots, as none of the riots can be preemptively stopped, by any government, but what can be restrained, is fueling of riots and subsequently, providing relief to victims and B.)  The way riot was restrained from being fueled. In case of 1984 state sponsored pogrom and 2002 Gujarat riots and based upon the above criteria, Gujarat government showed exemplary management, unlike the then Central and Delhi state government of 1984, which not only is convincingly alleged to have sponsored the pogrom but also delayed the relief activities to victims exposing their insensitive nature of CONGRESS.

While 2002 riots provided cottage industry of riots in Gujarat, which was run by few so called humanitarians, who can be labeled nothing less than terrorists, they exploited pain of victims to further the cause of their political masters; While the 2012 Asom riots, have given rise to opportunist in the likes of Mr. A. Owaisi, dripped in communalism who are exploiting riots to further their divisive policy based on religion. Unfortunately such Member of Parliament, who threatens India as a whole of radicalization, is the political ally of Central Government, CONGRESS. And not to be surprised, the section of media is either silent or okay with such utterance of communal rabid canine, under the garb of being Member of Parliament. Media will do a huge service is exposing such mindset among ruling class and thereby make an attempt to save India from division on communal lines. I request to that particular section of media to shed their personal vendetta and expose such cannine, even he happens to be ally of political party, whom you like for reasons, unknown.

Now coming back to Asom violence and role of government, the Congress has still neither been able to acknowledge the real problem of Asom riots, i.e. illegal immigrants; nor able to stop their own political ally Member of Parliament Mr. A. Owaisi from communalizing the riots and threatening nation. Thus it baffles me the ignorance of Madhu in haste to compare the riots, even if she claims she was comparing relief management (comparison is acceptable) as the comparison is nothing but comparing chalk and cheese and that at cost of ignoring threats to national security.

At the End, I can only suggest to arrogant Ms. Trehan that while as a citizen ofFree and Democratic India, she has all the right to hate someone or even taunt, no one can encroach her right, not even me. But it is common courtesy and journalistic ethics to support her claim or statement with relevant proof and that too in time, not that after objection is raised, an assistant is made to do the research in futile attempt to save already auctioned credible image as unbiased journalist.

Thank You

My Personal Take on: Twitter, a New Trollistan ~ a mythical hype or Demonizing Reality?

At the outset, let us have things in clear perspective with definition and understanding, this process has gained all the more importance now, because the influx of bulk narrative based on agenda or lack of conviction have in fact muddied the meaning instead of providing a better view. The comprehension of these words through well established synonym against the bile spread by vested interest will help a wee bit better to have a better look to the a topic currently discussed.

Social Media (particularly, twitter) – a platform to network, share and exchange ideas, opinion, information and news.

Troll – In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. – Definition as borrowed from Wikipedia.

 Sampling in statistics – In statistics and survey methodology, sampling is concerned with the selection of a subset of individuals from within a population to estimate characteristics of the whole population. The sample should be appropriate and fair representation of the general population.

(The sampling should not represent ONLY a certain section of population, else the result derived by the statistical and analytical process will be faulty, even if the process in calculation is duly followed)

 HomogeneityHomogeneity is the state of being homogeneous. Pertaining to the sciences, it is a substance where all the constituents are of the same nature; consisting of similar parts, or of elements of the like nature.

(The homogeneity ignores the existence of well established diversity within the group and thereby destroys the alternate value system recognition)

 Ambiguity – ambiguity of information, in words, pictures, or other media, is the ability to express more than one interpretation. It is generally contrasted with vagueness, in that specific and distinct interpretations are permitted (although some may not be immediately apparent), whereas with information that is vague it is difficult to form any interpretation at the desired level of specificity.

In the backdrop of the above definitions, when the narratives of victimhood is read and re-read that are written by a certain section, the biased and skewed opinion with agenda of writers to malign the alternative idea is exposed naked. The concentrated effort to demean the alternative idea and thoughts has reached to the level of such a cynicism that fringe issue is magnified and issue that never existed is dramatized and the real issue is stuffed under heavy woolen carpet and  thus never been discussed or given deserved importance. While I fully empathize with the victims (across the board) who are subjected to the abuse for voicing their idea’s or opinions and also debunk the “theory of provocation as a justification to abuse”, I also emphazisingly reject the argument presented by pseudo sympathizers of these victims or victims themselves that abusers belong ONLY to certain ideology or are organized paid servants of certain well respected political leader and/or party. I empathize with all those who are subject to crass tweeple, but the empathy ends where the victims selects hyporcisy over truth. And yet my objection over abusive troll continues … No matter what this crying howlers do or thinks

No one Denies, or defend the presence of abusive fringe, in fact abuses has to be discouraged and not be supported et al (be it from any side / any one), but to castigate these abusive fringe ONLY to a certain ideology, political party and not having a bird eye view while doing analysis of the real rot in existence is nothing but a result of crass though process.

It is this very FILTHY mindset who vouch for the statement – “Terrorism has NO religion and NO Color, but there is HINDU and SAFFRON terrorism” … Either terrorism has no color, and thus no saffron terrorism, or these victim celebrity should shed hypocrisy and profess presence of GREEN Terror, Red Terror, and yellow, violet or whatever. The existence of fringe in every sphere is well known, but by no means, their actions have to be accepted or tolerated. However using them to spew venom on alternate idea is in itself an abuse, without using abusive words. The abuse from either side has to be reduced, and abuse from one side also doesn’t justify abuse from other. The abuser is generally an individual, and not a ideology, a fact which is to be grilled in these victims.

The concentrated effort of painting an entire alternate idea process as abusive trollers or nazi storm troopers by simply based on certain fringe that abuse exposes lacuna of thinking cells in their brains filled with toxic hatred against anything that doesn’t comply with their thought process. One of the excuse used by the pseudo liberals, that invitation to nrrate victimhood was welcomed across board, but only pro-left or anti-right, (simply put anti of certain specific Chief Minister of specific political party) came forward with their victimhood at the hand of abusive trolls. Here it’s imperative to stress upon that not stating victimhood by the pro-right people, does not absolve the presence of excesses & abuses spread by other side and hence self claimed analyst is required to keep their eyes open and the least do some kind of research, rather than choosing favorable skewed sample set and rush to write a bile narrative against idea which is uncomfortable to the writers of these articles. The people who are been abused and yet not cry foul or have tears of being victimized, are mostly those who understands the meaning fringe and their existence, thereby not crying wolf of left boogey being abusive troll, which is successfully used by anti-right who cant phantom that they are and can be challenged.

It has been fashionable to dress the hatred in a presentable manner, a word “Internet Hindu” was inculcated, and since then any idea (backed by strong logic / evidence) has been constantly painted as IH aggressive thoughts, creating a safe passage by using label as troll to the opposite idea. The pro-right or believer conservative policies are no homogenous group as being portrayed. The anti pseudo liberals come out with strong conviction and self belief, few have successfully challenged the narratives spread by these pseudo seculars on various aspects, ranging from politics to culture to humanitarian values. These pro-right or mostly anti-Current central government establishment have made their presence felt by hitting the correct notes, by exposing lies of 2002 Gujarat riots, (supposedly) paid and biased vendetta attitude of certain section of media, where they are complicit with the certain age old political party and cover up their scams/sins or attempt to dilute the intensity of it. At every stage the lies of the neo-pseudo liberals and seculars are not only been challenged but successfully debunked. This arrogant bunch no longer enjoys the liberty of being non interactive or being unaccountable / non answerable to his/her reader. The social media has created a platform of interaction, where a reader can successfully challenge the opinions of self claimed elite group, but also forces them to accept their gaffe and also improvise. The level playing game is not liked by this arrogant bunch, who considers themselves to be above spectrum of scrutiny and belongs to sphere, where their words be considered as gospel truth and should go un challenged, which is not the case anymore and hence, very childish attempt is been made to paint any adverse challenging idea as abusive troll and get rid of being accountable. Also let me put it straight few of tweeple who are anti right are actually been exposed to abuse which is crass, and is not supported by any thinking person, which are there in both left think and rightly right thinking group or even centrist.

There are many, examples of abusive trolls who are self claimed supporters of CONGRESS and also are anti-right or self claimed liberals / seculars, but since I am not in race to prove my point by number of abuses written by the pro-CONGRESS, I would only attach one example. As the reader from both sides very well know the existence of fringe rancid brain cells on either and in every sphere. Also It would be petty, to counter by stating one side has X no’s of abuses while other side has Y no’s of abuses as my submission is existence of pettiness on either side and being ostrich by having head in the mud will not change the facts, hence before castigating any one and having general opinion it is imperative to have 360* of verification.


I would just end by saying it’s important for analyst to shed hypocrisy and biased mindset, analyst have to be open minded before stamping their views as opinions. As against, the abuse eradicates the fineness and edge in discussing the ideas, however its presence everywhere in fringe and any sane thinking person would not use this ambiguity to enforce their “holy than thou” attitude. It needs strength to own up to idea’s adverse to self, and not to squash by labeling as trolls, just to evade the possibility of debate and getting expose of pettiness of self. Distinction as a word is very nice word and gains very high importance, when it is applied in correct manner instead of homogeneity. Lastly, I re emphasize, I am not submitting that neo bunch who cried that they are victims of being abused are liars (they are been subject to abuse, at least few for sure) but I would consider the commentators on this victim hood who label all right thinkers as abusive, as one who suffers from intentional selective amnesia or poor bird eye view or they are comfortable in their own zone with pathetically stupid research done. Also, there is need to understand between the write-ups which are – self experienced (which doesn’t warranty or require holistic view, only if personal experience is not used to push generalist view) and general opinion creation. This has been my personal take, where i have tried to expose the shallowness of so called victims, who are never vocal about abusive tweeple who belong to their comfort zone of ideology of belief or share common hatred. Its equally sad that these victims also seldom acknowledges that the people who stood against  abusive tweeple, and conveniently are been labeled as ambiguous / homogenous abusive troll, merely because they profess alternative belief with conviction. I just hope these bunch stands tall and accepts reality in total and selective comfort.  Lastly would like to say abusive tweeple frm either side will face their natural death, if matured tweeple show their sanity and maturity to ignore this trolls, and cointering them individual and not giving importance more than they deserved by labeling them with wider canvas of being associated with party or political personality. Leave this abusive tweeple, and they will die for the lack of attention, by ignoring i dont suggest tolerate, but handle them individually instead of being ambiguous in your attack.

P.S: I hold no holier than thou attitude, there has been instance where non-decent words, phrase have been used by me at personal level, most times i regret and at very few incidence, i don’t. I emphatise with all those who cry victims of being abused, but empathy ends when their hypocrisy starts