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Delhi/NCR is unsafe for WOMEN– Why and what to do

Category : Uncategorized

The issue of Delhi (also surrounding areas) and crime against women is bit larger, especially when we discuss the safety of a particular gender in a city – Delhi. The situations arising out of bad parenting and/or self convincing interpretation of female’s gestures along with not so efficient governance coupled with dragging judiciary are prevalent in all corners of India. Hence the question arise, then what makes Delhi more unsafe then rest especially when Delhi is resident for Prime minister, President, Most powerful political family (Gandhi), score of MP and other so-called high profile people? Well the answer lies within the question I guess. The presence of these perverts has actually been catalyst to increase the crime. However, Politics is not the epicentre of subdued state administration; it is the Power (money, muscle or fame) that is the centre of devastating incidents. The presence of these unwanted VIPS has degraded the machinery to impotency. I will be honest enough to accept, that I haven’t stayed for long in Delhi, but do have friends and based on close and long discussion with them (both genders included), I am presenting my view on a picture of Delhi in front of me, in particular to the safety of fairer Gender.

Police is no ultra special anywhere else, but the level of inefficiency that has infringed in Delhi state administration is voluminous due to high level hindrance and interference of so called law protector. The idea of getting absolved from crime by calling some MP’s or spitting few rupee notes is far more significant. Every girl is not Jessica Lal, rather they should not have a fate of Jessica Lal, but nonetheless her offender did receive punishment ON PAPER (remember parole given by Delhi CM), many unfortunate girls can’t reach to even that extent. Another important point to be pondered is, rape is a NOT just a crime committed by individual or group of individual by forcing intercourse on the female, but it is the entire system who molests the victim by not physically touching but by having apathetic attitude and embarrassing her through ordeal of demonising the victim and glorifying the culprit and the crime. Hence the penalty should be levied upon rapist and also to each and every individual who was in that system that created hindrance to the justice. The supporters of crime, direct or indirect are the real parasites than the one who commits the act of rape, because the criminal thrives in confidence only through support of these scoundrels in the system, be it political, police, media and any other power house.

For pseudo human/woman right activist commenting on rape or rape victim is so very easy and to sympathise with rape victim it’s even more easy and fashionable. But as a society to actually empathize with the victim and to take some constructive steps to avoid it we have hardly any courage to do it and yes I say we including you, me and all others. We hear moral police says gals should not wear jeans or other stuff, we have politician saying if gals wear tight clothes she is inviting for being rape. WHAT SHIT. The idea “Not to rape” is required in the society and not “NOT TO GET raped”. Tight clothes or intoxicated gals are no license for heinous crime and also not the character or past deed of women is the free pass.


If Gurgaon administration wants to restrict the movement and freedom of its citizens (read women) so as to act in restraining rapes, instead of women, the administration should kindly take steps and don’t allow MEN to move after 8.00pm, hence by then women will not exposed to possible criminal, does this sound horrendous, if YES, then how come corollary of curtailing women movement is not as obnoxious thought. Also, by actually enforcing rules and regulations on the victims or possible victims, the administration is actually giving two signals -1. Administration is absolving itself from providing security to citizens and 2. The criminals are above the law and intelligence of administration, thus they can’t be even restrained leave aside to think of punishing them. No administrator have actually REQUESTED (yes, requested) to criminals to not RAPE, for this local administrators have no aim or strength to punish criminal, at best they can request.

If The Chief Minister of Delhi passed the buck on society to be mute spectator while the crime of death and/or rape is committed, I would not squashed the allegation completely as others did, for I do believe society has to play active role and not be fence sitters. But for society to act there has to be conducive environment to act, which is to be provided by the state administration, independent of political and power gimmicks. The assurance of police helping the whistle blowers and also rendering security to both alert citizen along with victim is imperative as against current situation of cover up and sheltering the culprits. Sheila Dixit allowing parole of Manu Sharma, the culprit on dubious ground and along with inaction on various other cases have developed a kind of apathy in the society and that is real bad. I would also link the corruption in India and especially by the Delhi HQ of government as one of the reasons, for the corrupt will commit corruption and other illegal activities in alliance with dreaded criminals and not with saint who respects society law and discipline. Once in alliance, Politician has to shelter these criminals against the penalty of crime they commit and hence inaction gives confidence to others for repeating such crimes and giving a spiral effect.

I do agree respecting the women is more required then seeking death penalty for rapist, however, if the rapist are been lynched / hanged in 5-7 high profile rape cases and that too quickly, It shall at least to a extent relieve the pressure. To start with Manu Sharma, who enjoys five star stay should be directly hanged and also the machinery that supported his lavish living should also be booked, as for me it’s not one person who rapes by intercourse, but its entire group of people within and outside system molests the girl even without physically touching. – All the above however is with focus to Delhi considering the humongous crime rate despite the catalyst situation remaining synonym to rest of India.


As for reducing the crime rate against women, victim should be allowed to PUNISH the criminal in whatever manner she thinks is right without mercy petition going to president. And even if victim wants to forgive the culprit, the court should still persist with the case against the rapist and his supporters, as crime is not against just an individual but against society and generation as a whole. But also equally important is to make life easy for gals after that dreadful event, which can be done by not glamorizing the case by media but by providing fast judgment of death without bail. At least this minute steps can be taken along with the broader discussion in the articles mentioned, so as to reduce 0.000001% of pain of the victim and to restrict reoccurrence of the crime but fitting the fear of quick penalty. At the end I would seek, lets the Process BEGIN


Vote ~ Should We Not or Should We, Actually

Category : Uncategorized

This is my old blog re-produced with minor changes

Once again a hullabaloo that makes me go at end of my wits, here comes the election again; crooks are on sale, criminal’s are in race to become representatives of state and country. The great election drama, where apart from development and well being of society everything is discussed, giving jobs to educated RAPE victims (instead of curtailing the crime), to abusing particular community and appease other section through quota and reservations, to call upon bollywood celebrity, who even lacks common general knowledge and all sort of antiques to get votes are in trend. Why can’t these so called highly intelligent politicians don’t understand we are not interested in nautanki’s, but what we want is development, security and sustained freedom for our country. And, this is the reason many of my fellow voters are moving away from polling booth to Bollywood movie theatre or mini vacations. The essence of voting and importance of voting is just missing the bus by these politicians. In their illusion that politics is won by playing vote bank politics, development is thrown into the DUST of anonymity, which, in fact is of prime importance for country’s youth. And hence “NO VOTING” is new mantra of young generation.


“NO VOTING”, is this new mantra, a solution to hard and serious question “Why should we vote?” along with “To whom to vote and for what?” these are real serious question asked by young voters to political fraternity across the board. Why should I vote for some pappu whose only achievement is getting birth in certain politically strong family (even that achievement is not achieved by his effort), Or why should I VOTE astute corrupt who is molesting my country’s progress for since decades, We have educated politicians who for few votes supports Khap panchayat and Honour killings Or should we vote for those candidates who spread lies and distributes money to poor voters OR elect a government who in disguise of secularism is winning elections and alliance on vote bank politics and dividing society OR some one who is so myopic in his vision to separate the community in process of branding oneself as protector of a particular community.

We have politicians disclosing their assets which run in crore, but their constituency or state is lagging behind development. We have a Aged – toddler who has been touring Biggest state of India for election and claiming to bring development in the state if his party is chosen by the people, but his own constituency within the same state is in real pathetic condition, he has not worked for betterment of his own people and has his MP fund stands nearly unused, no participation or representation of his constituency in parliament and still he and his party expects we neglect this performance and get his party to rule state. The party which he presents, have broken all records of arrogance and apathy towards people, subverted the institutions of the country and shamed INDIA at international level for many times. Nearly 20% of candidates willing to represent us have criminal records and again all parties are equal in hiring criminals for elections. And when i Say this, it is with the authority, Almost all parties, have been sullied with the corruption cases / fringe elements with charred character.

What is seen today in politics is only mudslinging on each other, trying to prove that one party is less corrupt and inefficient than other, in a nutshell what is coming straight on face is, that everyone is corrupt just that ratings are varying. So why should we vote for these politicians, when they are not concerned with my state / country’s development, they are not fit to represent me and also it is easier said than done to participate in political system and importantly what difference will 1 vote make when the system in itself is corrupt. Its like Hindi quote “mein is paapi ko saath nahi dena chahta, kyuki mein is paap ka bhagidaar nahi banna chahta”.

But even than my question still remains that despite all the above accusations and explanations, is the solution devised of “NO VOTING” a suitable and progressive one. Well to me “Avoiding is never a solution to any problem” and again by deciding not to vote we are actually voting for the same corrupt politician to get re-elected, whom we hate for his crimes and selfish and narrow attitude. Well I would just like to say, please “VOTE”, and vote not just for the change but also to initiate the process of change. When the voting percentage will increase, it will also increase the vigil and so the accountability of the politician. To make the matter simple, lets take a scenario of one hypothetical constituency, where voting percentage is very low, the candidates conducts a political arithmetic, and he finds that educated / middle class people are not going to vote, so why to flatter this class with development or any positives, as nothing matters to them and on the other hand he can buy out few percentage of vote by distributing money, liquor and sarees. Hence the politician is only interested in making money by hook or crook to distribute among poor to collect votes and will not look after development at all, as development may drive away his vote bank and also create hurdle in his money making business. Also the politician will not work for the development for those from whom he purchased the votes, as by having development these voters will join in the educated / middle class there by reduction in his vote margin, and hence development is eloped from his constituency. When every one votes, the vigil increases and politician is accountable to more people and also he cannot purchase all the votes hence he has to give back to society by way of development work to get re-elected.

It is completely agreed that by voting this time it is difficult to change the system or get the development in process, but to initiate the development, just vote even if it means to select a lesser criminal of the options but choose one and vote. Yes, we should vote the best and honest person but if there are no honest candidates as an option, then we should go for a politician with lesser criminal record as only by increased voting we can fit in the fear of incumbency in politician for future election and he will have to start working or else another politician will get chance. Nearly three election with sustained high percentage of voting is required to clear the nonsense of vote bank politics, corruption and polarization of votes

It’s only in our hand to clean our present mess for beautiful future. As said “Always fight for yourself, as no one will fight for you” and that includes even your so called political representative. We have to stop being afraid and also refrain from passing the responsibility of choosing future for ourselves and our future generations. It looks so very easy to comment on a stupid politician’s speech or act, it becomes a talk over tea and debate session in office, but then what are WE doing apart from debate, are we putting these debates in practice by stopping that particular candidate to get re-elected? We plan out time to buy beers and sports lounge tickets in advance as voting day is dry day and holiday so that we can enjoy this holiday, however important day it is. We plan out vacations and watch cricket matches instead of selecting someone to govern us. Also because it is difficult for every one of us to get into system of politics, So VOTE TO INITIATE THE CHANGE, IF CHANGE is not seen right away.

What we are voting is not just for a candidate of constituency but we are voting for “HOPE”, a hope that if not today, may be our tomorrow will be better and with more satisfying feeling that I had a part / role to play in deciding what is right for my country. GUESS WHAT, THIS SATISFACTORY FEELING OF AN ATTEMPT TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY CAN BE AVAILED EVEN BY YOU AT A SMALL PRICE OF JUST ONE VOTE IN EVERY ELECTION WITH NO ADDITIONAL OR HIDDEN COST.


I can recollect a simple nursery story, which tells that a mouse ran over the body of sleeping lion. Well to me the moral of the story is “EVEN a mouse can harass and run over an unaware and sleeping lion”. So even if voters are the most important in democracy but if they are sleeping, then these crooks / pappu can take us for a big ride.