A young boy was tricked and thus forced into eating mouthful of green chilies; later the child to nullify effect of chilies, he hastily drank from a bottle, Labeled as lemonade, only to realize it was kerosene in it. Moral – All the available option are not the alternate or even solutions. Jaise “HAR CHAMAKTI CHEEZ SONA NAHI HOTI”. Similarly, The Indians who are desperately looking for escape route, to avoid brutal onslaught by lampooned central government, they latched on to India against Corruption, only to get further disillusioned and got further in confusion after attention seeker Kejri parted ways from the movement, to be a politician. Genuine concerns/doubts over Kejriwal’s intention and action started gaining momentum and weight, over a period of time, based on circumstantial evidence and proofs.
After parting ways with his Activism God Father, Anna Hazare, the #ShooteronScooter (Nickname of Kejriwal, by @Surnell from Twitter) tried various antics to withhold the attention of *any news* Hungry media, and also to keep his disillusioned folks in good humor. One such Nautanki was to recycle old info and label it as AAP exclusive expose against politician and demand, resignation / action. The key to any and all the allegation was, none of the allegation were ever followed up to its logical conclusion or even stared by filing FIR. the modus operandi, was to spew the allegation, gather the attention, and then scoot from the scene; the nautanki gained some momentum and was working well for Kejri- The Great, until few genuine concerns / allegation were levied on his own key team members, based on whom, AAP had claimed many expose.
However, not to be left behind, Kejriwal – The nautanki baaz, started his Gangam dance, to utilise this opportunity for further media mileage, and pretend self to be holier than thou, and thus started facade named – Internal Lokpal
- On 19th October’ 2012, The Stunt King, Kejriwal – The GREAT (for his blind bhaktjans), just after parting ways with his God Father of activism, Anna Hazare; in attempt to garner further eye balls enacted another nautanki of ORDERING an Internal lokpal on his paplu joker trio, who are been alleged / accused of various wrongdoings and corruption. In the video, Nautanki brigadier clearly mentions that his association/organization/party would submit the complaint against Anjali Damania, Mayank Gandhi and Prashant Bhushan; also added that Kejri group will submit all the available proof with them. Also, Kejriwal himself decided timing of maximum 3 months for investigation, after consultation with the three judges. Important to note in the video is, Kejriwal ORDERED the inquiry, without conditions Kejriwal Announcing Internal Lokpal
- To ape the BOSS, we had Mayank Gandhi and also Anjali Damania, welcoming the probe on them, which was already ORDERED by their Ring Master. Damania n Gandhi welcomes Internal Lokpal
I am not getting into details on the allegations and credibility of the current joker bunch who would apply “Fair and Lovely” to think they are fairer and Holier than thou; But the larger issue is, commitment of this self-claimed righteous people. For those interested to know about the allegations, I have attached the link below the blog for reference
- On 20th January’ 2013, a day after 3 months (time frame decided for internal lokpal investigation); Kejriwal had much hyped but
mediocre flopped Google Hangout, where for first time, he presented newer version of internal lokpal. Kejriwal mentioned exclusion and inclusion of certain members and some decision taken by members and new lokpal instituted, thereby, central team will be investigated by National Internal Lokpal, and state members shall be investigated by state internal lokpal (yet to be constituted). Kejriwal Google Hangout (listen from 1.02 hours)
There comes change in stance over investigation on AAP members, by using technicalities, another important point, these changes were kept hidden from media, and were not told in same fanfare, the way announcement of internal lokpal was made, clear sign to misguide people who believed on Kejri’s word over internal lokpal.
- On 9th March’ 2013, After nearly 80 days of Google Hangout; 5 months from ORDERING internal Lokpal and no sign of investigation report from internal lokpal against Gandhi / Bhushan and Damania (through state lokpal as per Kejriwals submission in Google Hangout); Kejriwal on Headlines today in one of the show mentioned, Anjali Damania, is not the executive member of the party and hence no inquiry against her is instituted, while it is important to note, on 19th October’ 2012, no such condition was discussed and further more on Google Hangout, it was mentioned by Kejriwal, if she joins state membership, she will be investigated. Kejriwal on RTH show of headlines Today (listen from 13 minute)
- However, on 14th March’ 2013, the AAP member Mayank Gandhi on public platform, Facebook, candidly introduced Anjali Damania as
Maharashtra Convernor, who was party to key decision of closing down of 1 AAP office in Mumbai. The same was also accepted by Anjali Damania, in the same post of Mayank Gandhi is Facebook. (viewers are requested to click on photo, to enlarge for better reading)
Also Anjali Damania corroborated
So Now, Few questions arise
- Did Kejriwal lie on Headlines today, that Anjali Damania is not the member of AAP; but actually she is Maharashtra state convenor of AAP?
- OR, Is Mayank Gandhi colluding with Anjali Damania in Maharashtra state, without keeping Kejriwal in the loop on who is Maharashtra
convenor and taking arbitrary decisions? - If indeed, Anjali Damania is a volunteer, how can she be Maharashtra Convenor; and how can a volunteer be party to such an important
decision? - Why was Kejriwal silent all this while on the changes in internal lokpal, which he himself had ORDERED; important thing, he himself
took decision of internal lokpal and self-decided 3 months’ time; also made public announcement through news channel; however when changes were made, quietly changed the website, but no mention to TV news, on whom his activism is based on?
I tried to get an reply from AAP also, I emailed them my queries but it has been almost three days, but have not received even acknowledgement of the receipt of the mail, nor any intent to reply in future.
The new information came in April, when Maharashtra Secy of AAP, Mrs. Preeti Sharma Menon categorically has stated, that Ms. Anjali Damania was not the Maharashtra Convenor until RTH episode of Arvind Kejriwal, where he labeled Damania as mere volunteer, and had also said, if she would be member, she will be investigated (refer the video of RTH program shared earlier)
So further questions arise, before that the statement of Ms. Menon seems to be hugely misleading, however with lack of alternate information as of now, we take it at face value with bucket full of salt. for convenience sake lets say Anjali Damania was included on 14th March, the day when Mayank Gandhi declared Anjali Damania as Maharashtra state Convenor
1. AAP raised hue n cry over inclusion of Khushwaha in BJP (subsequently suspended, pending inquiry) during UP election under the premise that inclusion of dubious person in BJP is akin to support to corruption, even when there was no judgement, mere allegation, n investigation// also disregarding the fact, BJP suspended Khushwaha on corruption charges and gave no decision making portfolio to Khushwaha; yet for AAP, the decision of BJP was corrup
But AAP conveniently included Anjali Damania, and not only that, she was given important position as State Convenor, which has power of decisions over state matter of the political party AAP, so why this hypocrisy, where despite suspension of Khushwaha, BJP is corrupt on allegation // But AAP inducts alleged corrupt Anjali Damania and also gives her decision power and important post of state convenor.
Also, Mayank Gandhi is National Executive member, despite alleged charges and pending inquiry (ordered by his own BOSS); while BJP not only suspended Khushwaha from membership, moment he joined BJP, till the time he cleared his name from corruption; importantly BJP didnt give any plum post or election ticket // and here the messiah of anti corruption (as AAP claim and pretend), despite they own orders inquiry on alleged corruption charges, Mayank Gandhi is sitting on plum post // so whom sould we taken lessons of anti corruption … thats we need to decide
2. Arvind Kejriwal had ORDERED inquiry on Damania, later on he said only members of AAP will be investigated; so has the investigation on Anjali Damania been initiated, since the inclusion of Anjali Damania as Maharashtra State Convenor? if Not Why and do they have intention do start investigation; important to note, this is not what we are demanding, but we are just following up on Decision taken by Arvind kejriwal
3. When questions are been asked, spokeperson insinuates and labels the question as with party agenda instead of replying. As how does the answer changes of AAP to particular question, if the question is from INDIAN or INDIAN who is from other political party? I fail to understand this attitude
With the above facts, the question arises on intent of Kejriwals antics, and also his honesty, integrity, transparency and credibility. I would again urge AAP and Kejriwal in particular to clear the confusion over changing stance of AAP on Anjali Damania, is it because that AAP, erstwhile faction of IAC lapped up on Damania’s unsubstantiated claims against a particular political figure just to retain eyeballs of public on them, Question stays, until Kejriwal answers this fellow INDIAN.
I hope AAP people without innuendos, attempts to answer the questions asked in this blog
The Blog is joint work of author (Jemin Panchal) and Suresh Nakhua
on twitter – @jemin_p and @sureshnakhua
– Allegation against Anjali Damania
Allegations against Mayank Gandhi
Allegation against Prashant Bhushan.
As author, we dont know whether claims in the allegation are true or not, that only investigation will prove // we only say, since there is smoke, it is on to AAP (holier than thou) to clear the air, it is immaterial whether we believe trio is corrupt or not, and we have in-principle stated, the above as allegation ONLY, without passing any kind of judgement. And expect since AAP claims to be most honest and transparent who have instituted internal lokpal, should do investigation, while statutory investigation should also be undertaken by the government agencies